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I am Alessio Mussati, born in Latina. I attended the Accademia Costume & Moda in Rome and am currently interning in a WRTW position at Marni. I observe everything, ask myself questions, take photos, and seek to uncover the stories of the people I meet. I experiment. I have a need to communicate, express a thought, and leave a message. I dream of a fashion that is for the social good, one that is inclusive of everyone.

Tartan skirts, plastic fabrics, quilted blankets, ripped and faded pants, and shoes with holes... The collection, through the use of rigid, distorted, and bold shapes, aims to capture the postures of the living, the style and culture of the marginalized, of those who bow their heads to the pavement, of those who bend under the weight of work. The collection invites the viewer to move forward, surpassing closure, fatigue, monotony, and stagnation.