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My name is Yoana Dimitrova, I am 24 years old. I was born and raised in Sofia, Bulgaria. I came to Milano for my Bachelor’s degree with the desire to study fashion and express myself through my designs. After my graduation, I gained two years of experience in the sportswear industry. Currently, I am continuing my education in a Master’s Course in Fashion Design at Domus Academy. My collection is influenced by my identity, childhood memories, and the opposing emotions of nostalgia and gratitude that they evoked within me. "Collision" is a collection woven in contrasts. The rough edges clash with the soft silk fabric, building a sculpture over the body. The complex construction of the garments is influenced by historical royal costumes. Inspiration recreated by carefully tailored wool fabric, giving the garment a sense of elegance and modernity. The look is enhanced by using metal accessories, which transform the garment, however leaving the silhouette untouched, maintaining its powerful appearance.