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Martedì 26 marzo 2019 si è svolta a Milano la terza edizione dell’International Roundtable on Sustainability, l’evento annuale che sottolinea il ruolo chiave di Milano nello sviluppo di una conversazione globale in materia di sostenibilità nell’industria della moda, momento fondamentale per la circolazione e lo scambio di competenze ed informazioni tra i principali attori della rivoluzione sostenibile che si sta attuando nel mondo del lusso e della moda.

L’evento di quest’anno, reso possibile grazie al supporto del nostro partner istituzionale Borsa Italiana e del nostro partner ufficiale Brandart, ha visto la partecipazione dei responsabili sostenibilità delle più prestigiose case di moda italiane ed internazionali.

La sessione plenaria della mattina è stata introdotta da un intervento di Carlo Capasa, Presidente di CNMI, che ha illustrato gli ultimi risultati ottenuti da Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana e in nuovi progetti focalizzati a rendere l’industria della moda più sostenibile.

Per la prima volta sul palco anche alcuni dei più prestigiosi brand e gruppi del fashion: Sylvie Bénard di LVMH, Marie Claire Daveu di Kering Group, Elia Maramotti, di Max Mara Fashion Group, hanno condiviso la loro visione in merito a lusso, moda e sostenibilità.

Inoltre sono stati svelati i risultati del nuovo pionieristico report di CNMI, “Global Sustainability Report: sustainability matters, but does it sell?”, sviluppato con McKinsey & Company.



Hosted by Elizabeth L. Cline

Journalist and author of Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion

9:30am - 9:50am
Breakfast & Registration
9:50am - 9:55am
Elizabeth L. Cline,Journalist and author
9:55am - 10:00am
Opening Remarks
Carlo Capasa ,Chairman of Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana
10:00am -10:15 am
Human Rights and the lnvestment Community
Kerry Kennedy,President of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights
10:20am -10:30am
Business as usual not an option: Fair Wages as key to sustainable business
Auret Van Heerden and Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead, Founders of Fair Wage
10:35am - 10:50am
Fast Forward: a Diverse & Inclusive Fashion System
Livia Firth,Co-Founder and Creative Director of Eco-Age
10:50am -11:00am
Sustainability voices: luxury fashion companies in action
Marie Claire Daveu ,Chief Sustainability Officer and Head of lnternational lnstitutional Affairs of Kering Group
Sylvie Bénard, Corporate Environment Director of LVMH  
Elia Maramotti, Max Mara Fashion Group
11:10am - 11:30am
Global Sustainability Report: sustainability matters, but does it sell?
Antonio Achille, Senior Partner at McKinsey Milan, Global Head of Luxury sector - Carlo Capasa, Chairman of Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana
11:30am - 11:45am
Coffee Break
11:50am - 12:20pm
How to attract sustainable capitai - ESG criteria from disclosure to engagement Opening by Raffaele Jerusalmi, CEO of Borsa Italiana
Panel discussion with Caroline Reyl, Head of Premium Brands of Pictet Asset Management - Sudip Hazra, Head of Sustainability Research & Responsible lnvestment of Kepler Cheuvreux - Molly Minton, ESG Analyst of Amundi - Alessandra Franzosi, Head of Pension Funds and Asset Owners of London Stock Exchange Group Moderated by Mariangela Pira, Journalist at SkyTV
12:25pm - 12:35pm
Sustainability from the Outside In
Arizona Muse, Model and advocate for environmental regeneration
12:35pm - 12:50pm
The Need for Sexy Trash
Arthur Huang, Founder and CEO of MINIWIZ
12:50pm -1:10pm
International cooperation through public-private partnerships for sustainable value chains
Panel discussion with Andrea Illy, Chairman of illycaffè - Andrea De Marco, Industrial Development Officer at UNiDO HQ - Giulio Vinaccia , Senior Consultant for creative industries projects at United Nations
Moderated by Elizabeth L. Cline, Journalist and author
1:10pm - 1:20pm
The Stories That Make Our World
Chris Agnos, Sustainability Storyteller and Founder of Sustainable Human
1:20pm - 2:30pm
Lunch time
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Roundtable A - Chemicals for Luxury Fashion Coordinator: Mauro Rossetti Director, Textile and Health Association Guest: Riccardo Dall'Anese, Analytical Lab Manager of Buzzi Lab
2:30pm - 4:00pm

Roundtable B - Sodai sustainability agenda: Moving from monitoring to impact
Coordinator: Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead, Co-Founder of Fair Wage Guest: Tania Toffanin, Professor Researcher at University of Padua

Roundtable C - Unwrapping the potential: driving sustainable packaging
Coordinator: Alessio Varesano, Researcher at CNR - ISMAC - Istituto per lo Studio delle Macromolecole Guest: Etienne Carnaghi , Deputy Generai Manager of Brandart

Roundtable D - lntegrating ESG criteria into reporting and communication to financial market
Coordinator: Alessandra Franzosi , Head of Pension Funds and Asset Owners London Stock

Exchange Group
Guests: Caroline Reyl, Head of Premium Brands of Pictet Asset Management - Sudip Hazra, Head of Sustainability Research & Responsible lnvestment of Kepler Cheuvreux - Molly Minton, ESG Analyst of Amundi
